Jeff Latham

Nanobloc Invented by CJ Isakow

“I was floundering and my efforts to bring my product idea to commercialization were stalling out when I stumbled upon inventRight’s YouTube channel.

That lead me to join inventRight’s Bootcamp program, a comprehensive 6-month course designed to teach product developers the succession of steps needed to bring your idea to market.

The personal coaching sessions really keep you on track through the progress of the steps.

To my amazement, it all paid off as on the last day of the course I had a licensing contract offer in hand.

The negotiating step gave me the confidence to negotiate a performance guarantee, as one was not offered in the first draft of the agreement.

Six months from the day I joined, I was offered an Agreement to License contract.

I’m still in awe as to how well this worked for me.

Thank you so much to everyone at team inventRight and SmartPitch!

I caught the dream!”

Jeff Latham


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