Sharon C

Nanobloc Invented by CJ Isakow

“The words Thank You are not large enough to express my appreciation for all your assistance in signing my FIRST contract.

From Steven’s and Andrew’s InventRight platform, to AmyJo’s help with the Sell Sheet, Scott’s assistance with communicating with the brand company and of course David’s assistance with the contract.

I tried to venture a product and it took years and way too much money and was unsuccessful.

With this process I can invent and roll out more products faster and cheaper then venturing. I love the process from idea to seeing that idea in a rendered state. As much as I thought I would not enjoy calling companies I found that the more I said “Hi I am a product developer…..” the more I felt like I was, which made it easy to make the calls.

Thank you all for creating the platform, providing all the information and communicating a successful roadmap that is easy, fun, fulfilling and very simple to follow that road to success.

We did it!

I greatly APPRECIATE all of you.

Sharon C


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